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Shares available in 2022 season

\n \n

We have limited shares available in two of our horses for the 2022 season. Learn morea about why to join PCRACING and be part of a syndicate with us!


Lift off for Apollo One

\n \"Apollo\n

Apollo One starts the 2021 season perfectly, making it three wins from five starts. With the latest race a Listed Race win. Credit: Steven Cargill

\n \n
*/}\n{/* \n

Racing Post

\n {\" \"}\n



\n \n */}\n\n \n \n
\n \"Apollo\n

Peter Charalambous's Apollo One (pink) recently passed a total of £423,235 in prize money in his career, now winning the John Guest Racing Bengough Stakes at Ascot on 5th of October 2024. Credit: Getty - Pool

\n \n
\n \n \n \n

All Shares sold in our 2024 Racehorse Syndicates


We currently have no shares available but please reach out to us if you would like us to inform you when they become available

\n \n

Blast off for Apollo One at Ascot

\n {\" \"}\n
\n \n \n

The Guardian

\n \n \n \n

Racing Post

\n \n \n \n

Join one of Newmarket's new horse racing syndicates and benefit from inside connections just like this and much more.


Learn more

\n \n \n \n

Why choose Peter Charalambous as a racehorse trainer?


Based in the legendary horse racing town of Newmarket, Peter Charalambous owner, breeder and racehorse trainer, has won over £1 million in prize money and over 200 races, with just a small string of horses. He believes the crucial element of a racehorse trainer is to “know the ability of the horse before it arrives at a racecourse. Many people like to have a bet, and it’s my job to advise them on when I think the horse is ready to win.” Our horse racing syndicates are with a select group of individuals who we hand select to join us for the season.

\n \n
\n \n

Benefits of joining a racehorse syndicate with pcracing

\n \n \n
\n {\" \"}\n

Racehorse Information


Up to date information on your racehorse and performance before they run

\n \n \n
\n {\" \"}\n

Prize Money


Racehorse prize money shared pro-rata on shares owned

\n \n \n
\n {\" \"}\n

All racehorse Fees Inclusive


Share price includes all racehorse training fees

\n \n \n
\n {\" \"}\n

Share value


All racehorses will be sold at Tattersalls, with sale proceeds will be distributed pro-rata

\n \n \n
\n {\" \"}\n

Premier Owner and Trainers Badges


All shareholders will receive owners and trainers badges to the races to watch their horse run, with a complimentary lunch in the owners and trainers restaurant.

\n \n \n
\n {\" \"}\n

Racehorse Stable Visits


Bring your family to the yard and watch the racehorses train on the legendary Newmarket Gallops

\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n

Live view of recent results

\n\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n );\n};\n\nexport const queryHero = graphql`\nquery {\n\n image1: file(relativePath: { eq: \"image3.jpg\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n # Makes it trivial to update as your page's design changes.\n fluid(maxWidth: 500 quality: 100) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n }\n }\n }\n image2: file(relativePath: { eq: \"home-hero.jpg\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n # Makes it trivial to update as your page's design changes.\n fluid(maxWidth: 700 quality: 100) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n }\n }\n }\n image3: file(relativePath: { eq: \"apollo-one-sun-article.webp\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n # Makes it trivial to update as your page's design changes.\n fluid(maxWidth: 700 quality: 100) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n }\n }\n }\n imageApolloLingfield: file(relativePath: { eq: \"Apollo-One-Lingfield.webp\" }) {\n childImageSharp {\n # Specify the image processing specifications right in the query.\n # Makes it trivial to update as your page's design changes.\n fluid(maxWidth: 700 quality: 100) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid\n }\n }\n }\n}\n`;\n","import React from \"react\"\nimport \"../assets/css/video.css\";\n\nconst Video = ({ videoSrcURL, videoTitle, ...props }) => (\n
\n \n
\n)\nexport default Video"],"sourceRoot":""}